Gastronomy in Pardieiros:
The most famous dishes include: chanfana, carne fresca, cozido à moda dos Pardieiros, arroz de fressura, torresmos de banha, torresmos de carne, bucho de porco recheado. But the most emblematic was the pork loin, the ribs and the salted and soaked suã, fried in olive oil and lard and kept in glazed clay pots to help in an emergency when, unexpectedly, some friends showed up at the house. They would go to the pan, bring some loin or suã steaks, cut them into slices and pass them through the frying pan. A few eggs were added and the friends enjoyed this snack. Today, pork doesn't taste as good as it used to because of the difference in diet and the time it takes to fatten up.
There are still some specialties from the village, such as corn balls, festive soup, "broa da panela", "migas de broa", "tibornada", "salada rabaça" with beans and "tortulhos", either natural or with eggs.
The sweets include tigelada, arroz doce, carolo doce, tapioca, sopa de leite, filhós de batata, filhós de chila, pão-de-ló and coscoréis